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Monday Motivation May 15

Motivation May

Motivation Monday May 15

Why does surfing (actually a skim board) belong on a blog post about accounting? First off, because its awesome. That’s my son and I’m a proud dad. But I promise there is a lesson in it as well. 

Business and surfing are kind of similar when you think about it. Anybody can buy a skim board, just like anyone can start a business. But what comes after is what is going to define if you are a success or not. If you aren’t constantly improving, practicing, putting in the hours at the game of business you aren’t going to get better. In our competitive, technologically advancing world if you aren’t getting better, you are going backwards. 

But the flip side is this… there is nothing stopping you from being the best business owner that you can be. Just put in the time and the effort and you will have (metaphorically speaking) people coming up to you asking for your phone number so they can send you pictures that they took of you. But you need to be working on the right things. 

You just need to apply yourself to constantly learning. Its cliché but its true “you need to work on your business not in your business.” This means setting up processes, policies and procedures, growing with your business so it doesn’t outgrow you. This means learning things outside of your skill set. This means if you are a plumber, you also need to learn about accounting, insurance, marketing, sales, hiring, and firing. Then, as your business grows you need to learn to delegate, either hiring or outsourcing so that you can free up your own time to continuously improve. 

Continue to level up. It’s not easy but so worth it. Then you will experience freedom, the same freedom that my son experiences when he grabs his skim board and we go to the beach. 

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