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“Navigating Life and Business: The Power of Honest Conversations”

“Navigating Life and Business: The Power of Honest Conversations”

Honest Conversations

My wife and I walk around the lake by our home regularly. As we walk we talk about anything and everything that comes to mind. It’s truly a privilege to walk through life with this woman who married me over 18 years ago. Yesterday, as we walked, we talked about some issues that both of us had felt a little slighted or neglected over in the last couple of months. Confession and open communication can really open the door for healing. It was all little stuff really… we would not have been able to have these small discussions without the big healing that we went through in our marriage a little over a year ago. . 

The healing that came from that experience is what opened the door for these smaller conversations to happen. We will continue to have them and our marriage will grow stronger for it. 

If you don’t know our story and would like to hear our testimony, Visit: Bethel Valparaiso Sunday Service for June 04, 2023  Our testimony starts around 1 hour 16 minutes in. 

I was thinking about how, in the same way our marriage needed that “conversation” yesterday, a cycle of open communication, confession, apology, behavior modification, sometimes we need to have an honest conversation with our business. 

Bookkeeping, when done accurately and honestly, it allows business owners to have a “conversation” with their business in the form of monthly financial reports. Some of us need to solve some big issues. Some of us just need to tweak some small things so they don’t become big things. 

We are all in different spots. Some of us need to start bookkeeping (or start demanding monthly financials from our current accountants). Some of us get the reports but don’t necessarily use them like we should. And some of us are doing well, we just need to stay on the path and not get lazy.  Just like My wife and I, we had to start our conversation with the bigger issues before moving into the smaller issues. It’s important to start where your business is today!

Do you need to purchase that Quickbooks Online subscription and start doing your own books? (I have a 50% off for 3 months affiliate offer. If that sounds good give me a call. When we are on the phone we can discuss which subscription level will work best for you, and you don’t pay for more than you need.)

Maybe you need to hire an accountant to keep your books. Most people that start a business are too busy running their business to do their books consistently, and the best of intentions get sacrificed during the busy season.

Or you have  good bookkeeping practices or a great accountant that gets you your reports monthly but you don’t have that conversation with your business. You don’t analyze that data and make behavior modifications based on it. In the same way, my wife and I had issues that were bothering us and we needed to discuss. If we didn’t actually have the conversation, they would have remained issues. Maybe you have a form of advertising that doesn’t work as well as it used to, or maybe it never worked. Your bookkeeping can tell you this. Perhaps, a new product line or service offering isn’t profitable and it’s time to face reality. Your books can tell you all this and more! If you don’t know how to read your books or disseminate the information that they contain we can help you with that!

Wherever you currently stand with your business, RAPT LLC is capable of helping you live in harmony with your business, whether by helping your business communicate with you or helping you understand what it is saying.

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